Business Tax Preparation

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur, driven independent contractor, or thriving business owner seeking expert tax guidance to secure your business's financial health?

Welcome to Lux Financial Solutions, where your business's financial well-being matters most. 

We're not your standard tax preparation service; think of us as your savvy sidekick committed to empowering entrepreneurs, independent contractors, and business owners like you. 

Our meticulous tax preparation goes beyond mere filings. Your tax return isn't just filed; it's optimized, ensuring you keep every dollar that's rightfully yours.

We specialize in applying legal tax strategies specific to your unique tax situation, safeguarding your hard-earned money while minimizing tax liabilities. 

Let's team up, tackle those tax challenges, and secure a brighter financial future for your business.

Your Business Deserves the Best Tax Support

Your Financial Journey, 

Our Tailored Solutions

Your business is one-of-a-kind, and so should be your tax strategy. That's where we come in!

We prioritize understanding the intricacies of your business and its distinctive tax circumstances to apply the most effective legal tax strategies, ensuring accuracy and compliance with the latest tax regulations.

Our meticulous tax preparation approach aims to unveil every possible deduction or credit available to you, reducing your tax liabilities and securing the future of your finances.

Virtual Tax Solutions, 

Real Results

Experience exceptional tax preparation service without sacrificing convenience. 

Our virtual tax preparation services cater to your busy lifestyle while ensuring expertise and quality with every interaction.

From comprehensive year-to-year comparisons to transparent review meetings via secure video conferencing, our commitment is to arm you with personalized tax insights, securely from wherever you are.

Let us prepare and file your income tax return including all federal and state filings, forms, and schedules. 

Virtual Tax Preparation available in ALL 50 States. 

Beyond Tax Filing: 

Partnering in Your Growth

We're more than just a tax service; we're your allies in achieving financial goals. Our aim is to help propel your business towards growth and prosperity.

We know you're not just looking for tax filings; you seek insights, clarity, and expert guidance in navigating the complex tax landscape. We're here to simplify your tax journey and legally maximize your profits.

Our tax preparation services go beyond numbers; they're about empowering you with insights, and providing you with the guidance and clarity you need to make informed financial decisions, fostering growth and stability.

Say Goodbye to Tax Code Confusion

Navigating the ever-changing tax code and deciphering endless social media tax advice can be overwhelming. That's where we step in. We're your source of truth, providing transparent, personalized service. We cut through the jargon and the fluff. We'll give you straightforward advice and guidance, ensuring you understand every step of your tax journey.

Our commitment to financial literacy ensures you understand every aspect of your tax return, empowering you to make informed decisions confidently.

Business Tax Services:

Let us prepare and file your income tax return including all federal and state filings, forms, and schedules. We file in all 50 states.

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Included in all Business Tax Return Preparation Services:

The following applies to Forms 1040, 1040+Schedule C/K1 tax returns only. 

***Not applicable to Corporate returns.

Please note: Bookkeeping Services are not included. Additional hourly charges apply to Receipt Reconciliation & Reconstruction.

* Services provided through our partnership with Protection Plus are subject to terms and conditions. 

IRS Registered Tax Return Preparer Logo
IRS Annual Filing Season Program Preparer

*successful completion of voluntary IRS program that includes 18 hours of continuing education and passing of comprehensive tax exam.

***This only applies to Forms 1040, 1040+Schedule C/K1 tax returns. Not applicable to Corporate returns. 

Authorized IRS e-file Provider

Straight-forward Packages Designed for every phase of your business...



Best for Sole Proprietors, Independent Contractors, Gig Workers that have their documents ready to file.


Small Business


Best for Small Business Owners in the early stages of accelerated growth that have their documents ready to file.


Legacy Business


Best for established Business Owners in a steady state of growth and profitability that have their documents ready to file.


Skip the trip to an office...

You focus on your life or business, and let us handle your taxes.

Get your taxes expertly prepared and filed by our Tax Pros from the comfort of your home or anywhere you want to be. 

Easily upload your documents using your phone, computer, or tablet, and connect with our Tax Pros as needed.

Here's how our Virtual Tax Preparation works:

Step 1

Let's Connect!

Let's get to know your unique tax needs and goals. Book a brief consultation to discuss your circumstances and concerns, helping us tailor the perfect tax strategies for you.

Step 2

Service Confirmation

If our energy feels right for you, review and sign our Engagement Agreement. 

We'll also provide our Tax Prep Checklist to help you gather all your tax documents.

Step 3

Share Your Tax Details

Answer a few questions about yourself and your tax situation, and upload your tax documents in the same form using your phone, tablet or laptop.

You'll also get access to our Customer Portal where you can easily access all your tax documents or upload anything else needed to prepare your tax return.

That's it. Your assigned Tax Pro will dive in. Leave it to us, so you can confidently get back to your day-to-day, assured that we're diligently preparing your tax return.

Step 4

Virtual Review & 


When your tax return is ready, we'll reach out to schedule a Virtual Conferencing meeting, where we'll walk you through your return. 

Don't have time for a meeting? Not a problem. We'll just send you a recording so you can confidently sign off on your tax return. 

Once you've electronically signed, we'll e-file your finalized tax return, send you a digital copy for your records and you're all done!

We do our best to track your refund and communicate any status updates. 

Hey Ya'll

Status Update Meeting

We know your unique tax situation may have changed from the previous year. 

If so, let's catch up! Schedule a meeting with us so we can understand your new circumstances, goals and concerns, and we'll adjust our tax strategies accordingly.  

Please review our tax return preparation checklist below to make sure you have everything you need to file your tax return with us. 

Tax Return Preparation Checklist